SHISEIDO BLACK Peel off Mask yg khusus untuk menanggalkan bintik-bintik hitam dan bintik-bintik putih pada hidung, wajah dan belakang badan hanya dalam tempoh 30 minit sahaja!!
Cara penggunaan:
Bersihkan wajah dan lap sehingga kering. Oleskan SHISEIDO BLACK MASK pada kawasan yang bermasalah seperti dahi, hidung atau belakang badan. Boleh juga disapukan pada seluruh wajah kecuali kawasan mata dan bibir. Tunggu 25~30 minit atau sehingga masker kering. Selepas itu, tarik masker dimulai dari arah bawah ke atas. Bilas muka dengan air sejuk, dan sapukan toner serta pelembab pada wajah.
Untuk hasil yang terbaik, cuba stimkan dulu wajah anda sebelum menyapu masker. Caranya sangat mudah. Tuangkan air panas ke dalam besen atau mangkuk, halakan wajah anda pada wap. Selubungkan kepala anda bersama-sama besen air panas tadi dengan kain batik supaya wap tidak terbebas keluar. Biarkan 5~10 minit. Lapkan dahulu lebihan wap pada wajah dengan tuala sebelum menyapu masker.

This peel-off blackhead pack achieves whitening and deep pores cleansing effect by continuing to deliver active ingredients deep into the keratin layer while simultaneously removing keratotic plugs (comedoes), melanin and old keratin that contribute to dark pores.Eliminates the causes of a dull complexion and maintains pure, white and clear translucency. Also contributes to smoother skin. Formulated with black nano-powder that readily disperses on the skin. It adheres closely, as if bonding with the skin, thanks to its excellent film-forming power, fast dryingand air tightness. It soothes skin suffering from the effects of fatigue and contributes to comfortable firmness and even smoothness. Formulated with five Japanese and Chinese herbal extracts, including wormwood extract and gold thread extracts.

A product with special formula by Shiseido to get rid of the stubborn black heads on face espnose area. The ingredients can be easily absorbed by our skin, hence effectively removing clogged pores (black head) so as to achieve tightening effect.
- Reduce dark spots, sun spots, black heads, and pimple
Suitable for all skin type
Can use up to 3-4 times
Max 2 times/week

Harga: 50pcs rm22
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